Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just trust him

"The Lord is still preparing the best gift for you,
someday in your life at the right time at the right place,
everything will be set accordingly just trust him he'll make it happen".

good friends

"Good friends are those who cares without hesitations,
who remember without limitations
and who remains the same even without communication".

the secret

"the secret to an awesome life,
is giving God the first part of everyday,
the first priority to every decision,
and the first place in your heart"

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Follow Christ - the ultimate model of servanthood

To become a pastor, a servant leader, is a calling. Meaning it starts from mind of God, it begins inside, within the heart of a person, it begins at birth. It is like a destiny for a person who really called for. So we are all here together, because we believe in that very divinely appointed calling.

life in the church

when I was assign in the church I'm so happy because there are a lot of activities in the church, bible study, midweek prayer and ob course my favorite is singing, that's why in the youth sunday I joined the youth choir and interpretative dance char hehehe....

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

success in life

Success in life is based in our performance in this world. As a human being, we have different capacities in life even in our behavior in our daily living, but the question is how can we reach the success in life?
As a theolgy student , I have many reflections in my life based on my experiences. I experience many problems in all aspects interms of personal, family and most of all the problem in the seminary, but all of this problems and circumstances make my life to be complete, to become courageous, and make me strong person because one of my future plan is to become an effective and successful pastor someday. A pastor who is willing to serve and willing to offer the life for the service in God to the people. I believe that God is the only God who called me for his ministry and I believe also he will never leave me, and he will never abandon me specially if I am in the midst of trials. GOD IS SAVIOUR, REDEEMER, AND SUSTAINER.